Christopher Seyton - Uni-Verse 1990 Peace Records
Band/Artist: Christopher Seyton
Album: Uni-Verse
Label: Peace Records
Catalog#: PCE 001
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1990
Genre: Stoner Rock, Lo-Fi, Classic Rock
Total Time: 00:33:30
• Выпущенный ограниченным тиражом, только на виниле, семи-трековый единственный альбом за авторством скрывающейся под псевдонимом неизвестной, а по сути несуществующей группы. Все песни на этом альбоме сочинил и спродюсировал некто Christopher Seyton. При записи данного альбома Christopher Seyton (он же - Chris Chen Ming Li, также известный как Chris Wireless) же сыграл на всех музыкальных инструментах, включая electric & acoustic rhythm & lead guitars, bass, mandolin, sitar, drums, flute, piano, assorted percussion (bells, chimes, gongs, bongos, congos, etc), и все лидер - и бэк-вокальные партии исполнил он же... В итоге получился heavy / psychedelic / fuzz rock с различными примочками и эффектами. Предыдущая и последующая деятельность этого парня весьма туманные...
• Since the 1970's no one group in rock music has made a major impact on the Music buying public. Christopher Seyton decided to take on this task all by himself. His Universe Project has the same beet as alot of the big group of the 70's. Furekermore, his multi-faceted musical talent adds even another dimension making him the first one man band in rock history.. - Mass Hall (June, 1990)
• All instruments on this recording Played by Christopher Seyton including: Electric and Acoustic Rhythm and Lead Guitars, Bass, Mandolin, Sitar & Flute,Drums, Piano, Assorted Percussion (Bells, Chimes, Gongs, Bongos, Congos, etc..) and All Lead and Backing Vocals.
• To the best of my knowledge Peace Records released only this record. To the best of my knowledge Christopher Seyton appears only on this one recording.
• PEACE - Controversy Surrounds the Origin of the Ubiquitous Peace Symbol. It Was Introduced by Pacifist Lord Bertrand Russell During Easter of 1958, when he Marched at Aldermaston, England, Campaigning for Nuclear Disarmament. The Most Acceptable Explanation of the Design Relates it to the International Semaphore Alphabet: N (for nuclear), D (for disarmament). These Superimposed Signals are surrounded by a Circle Indicating Complete, World~Wide, or total. Thus, total Nuclear Disarmament.
• Side One:
A1. Dragonstar 07:52
A2. Legally Insane 05:55
A3. Here 03:33
• Side Two:
B1. Totally Bummed 04:05
B2. Jade 03:30
B3. Lullaby Blues 05:50
B4. Rolling Thunder 03:25
A1. Dragonstar 07:52
A2. Legally Insane 05:55
A3. Here 03:33
• Side Two:
B1. Totally Bummed 04:05
B2. Jade 03:30
B3. Lullaby Blues 05:50
B4. Rolling Thunder 03:25
Composed By – Christopher Seyton
Performer – Christopher Seyton
Producer – Christopher Seyton
Performer – Christopher Seyton
Producer – Christopher Seyton
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