Black Voy Alley - Same (Private BVA 82172 - U.S.A. 1972)
Artist: Black Voy Alley
Album: Self Titled
Label: Private Press
Catalog#: BVA 82172
Country: USA
Genre: Psych Rock
Total Time: 00:34:29
• Гипер-редкий, отпечатанный частным образом, одноимённый альбом группы Black Voy Alley, выпущенный в 1972 году. Родом из Эль-Пасо, штат Техас, эти молодые ребята на своём единственном релизе горячо отдаются пропаганде популярных песен того времени. По данным Интернета, только несколько из его копий находятся в обращении и всего лишь две из них в последние годы были проданы через аукцион-сайт, причём одна принесла доход аж в $ 900! Главным же является то, что едва доходит дело до какой-либо информации об этих парнях или их LP, таковая напрочь отсутствует. Что же это, очередной "Святой Грааль"? Очень даже вероятно.
• This is the same legendary album by the El Paso, Texas outfit that has been mentioned in many blogs and web-sites as only a few in existance. One of the web-sites to reveiw the album is The Acid Archives.
• The following is what the book has to say about this LP:"Here's four talented teenage musicians that have a convincing knack for mimicking the popular tracks on FM radio during the early seventies, which eventually motivates them to enter a classy studio to record a full length album of cover songs. Considering thier age and no evidence of any original material , I'm sure they made the rounds playing live to mostly a teenage audience at gigs like high school dances, special events and private parties. By the time it came to record an album, the years spent practicing refining thier talents along with the gained confidence from playing live, paid off in the studio by skillfully nailing eight tracks on the album. They do impressive versions of "Smoke on the Water", and " Space Truckin", a powerful "Won't Get Fooled Again", "Stairway to the Stars" from Blue Oyster Cults first major release and "Feeling Alright".
• Even though the band was from El Paso, the album was recorded in Phoenix, Arizona which accounts for the fact that I have found two of these in the Phoenix area over the years. This album is a true rock rarity.
Side One:
A1. Feeling Alright 03:31
A2. Smoke on the Water 05:39
A3. Stairway to the Stars 03:27
A4. Midnight Runaway 05:34
• Side Two:
B1. Never Been to Spain 03:58
B2. Won't Get Fooled Again 04:39
B3. Black and White 03:20
B4. Space Truckin' 04:18
A1. Feeling Alright 03:31
A2. Smoke on the Water 05:39
A3. Stairway to the Stars 03:27
A4. Midnight Runaway 05:34
• Side Two:
B1. Never Been to Spain 03:58
B2. Won't Get Fooled Again 04:39
B3. Black and White 03:20
B4. Space Truckin' 04:18
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hello great blog
ОтветитьУдалитьyou have andy desmond st 1978
henry buckle st 1972
and dino & sembello
many thanks
Hi, caracas!
ОтветитьУдалитьVery glad that you like my blog and you find here interesting music.
ОтветитьУдалитьyou have andy desmond st 1978
we buy
УдалитьAndy Desmond st 1978 - I do not have this album.
I listened to three tracks from the album on YouTube.
I'd love to listen to music ..
I hope you share.
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УдалитьСпасибо! Очень хороший альбом. Классные коверы