Podipto - Podipto (1975 GRT Records)
Artist: Podipto
Album: Same
Label: GRT Records
Catalog#: 300-02
Country: Minnesota, US
Release: 1975
Genre: Rock, Blues, Country
Total Time: 00:34:47
• На английском языке название "PODIPTO" не имеет смысла. Членам группы не раз задавали вопрос, что значит это название? Наконец они ответили: «Это означает — США!» Это слово означает пять талантливых людей, близких к танцевальным залам и пустынным дорогам. Вера друг в друга позволила им стать одной из наиболее интересных новых групп…
• Перед вами квинтэссенция стремления к совершенству, созданная четырьмя мужчинами и одной женщиной, — редкое совершенство среди групп «истэблишмента». Слушайте этот альбом, сидя на вращающемся стуле!..
• Это первый альбом PODIPTO — простые воспоминания, коллекция почтовых открыток, память о житейских испытаниях, мире и счастье. Прослушайте его несколько раз, и этот альбом станет частью вас самих. Здесь можно услышать звуки северной Миннесоты и, закрыв глаза, представить себе фермерские домики, гусей на лазурных прудах. Слушатели в Chicago's Auditorium испытали примерно те же чувства, слушая PODIPTO. Когда группа повилась на сцене с Джеймсом Тейлором и исполнила госпел с хлопаньем в ладоши, слушатели обрушили на PODIPTO шквал аплодисментов. Их музыка — это слияние всех оттенков цветов и настроений…
• The name "PODIPTO" has no meaning as far as the English language is concerned. It was suggested by Dan Lund, lead guitarist, who swears he found it in an old notebook, scribbled as "PODIPTO ROY." The name has been thoroughly researched by the members of the Group, but as yet, no meaning has been found. Over the last few months, the Members have been asked the same question many times — What does "PODIPTO" mean? It means US!
• The word has drawn five talented people closer and closer over the months of small Dance Halls and lonely roads. It has given them the trust and belief in each other, to make them into one of the best liked new groups to come along. "PODIPTO" will soon take on a different meaning. It will mean YOUi lust have a listen and hear the smooth sound from the North, that comes straight from "PODIPTO" to YOU.
• You are holding a distillation of a quest for excellence by a four-man, one-lady group which has resulted in just that — excellence of a sort which is rare among so-called "estab-lished" performers, not only newcomers Listen carefully to the album you've just placed on the turntable You've already noticed, perhaps, that Podipto writes their own material Now you're hearing their sounds.
• Maybe "Three Days Runnin'" by Jack Sundrud and John Collins will be your favorite song on the LP. Or maybe it'll be Sundrud's "Morning Song." But any of your choices won't be wrong, these quiet country tunes are all splendid. This first Podipto album is a simple keepsake, a collection of postcards, remembered moments of trial, peace and happiness in the lives of the group. You'll find yourself listening to it again and again, until it becomes part of your experience.
• Podipto's northern Minnesota background is clearly reflected in this LP If you listen hard enough and close your eyes and look inward, you can see the images the sounds call up: farmhouses, rollicking dogs, stationary geese beside an azure lake. All these sounds and images are special.
• The audience at Chicago's Auditorium felt the same exhilaration you are feeling as you listen to Podipto. When Podipto appeared there with James Taylor, the crowd cheered them in song after song Podipto's blend of healthy handclapping gospel music com¬pletely captured their listeners.
• The roots of a moment are contained in Podipto's music. It is a moment fusing all the shades of color and mood that music holds to transfix us and change our lives.
Listen to the words and music of Podipto.
Off Site: www.podipto.com
Side One:
A1. Morning Song 02:49
A2. Mr Robin 03:45
A3. Can't Stand To Beg 03:06
A4. Karen's Song 02:40
A5. Mississippi Woman 03:47
• Side Two:
B1. Three Day's Runnin' 03:43
B2. Love Of The One 03:59
B3. Think I'm Likin' You 02:12
B4. Lola You Ease My Achin' Heart 04:06
B5. Misty Morning 02:28
B6. Good Morning Blues 02:07
All songs published by Monger Music / BMI
Produced BY Elliot Abbott For ABBOTT D Productions, INC.
Arranget by PODIPTO and John Bahler
Recorded at Audio Finishers Studio #2, Chicago.III
Engineers Murray Allan, Fred Breitberg. Mai Davis
Also recorded at: T T G . Inc. Hollywood. Calif
Album Design and Art Michael Mendel
Art Direction Sid Mauler
Engineer Angel Balestier
A1. Morning Song 02:49
A2. Mr Robin 03:45
A3. Can't Stand To Beg 03:06
A4. Karen's Song 02:40
A5. Mississippi Woman 03:47
• Side Two:
B1. Three Day's Runnin' 03:43
B2. Love Of The One 03:59
B3. Think I'm Likin' You 02:12
B4. Lola You Ease My Achin' Heart 04:06
B5. Misty Morning 02:28
B6. Good Morning Blues 02:07
All songs published by Monger Music / BMI
Produced BY Elliot Abbott For ABBOTT D Productions, INC.
Arranget by PODIPTO and John Bahler
Recorded at Audio Finishers Studio #2, Chicago.III
Engineers Murray Allan, Fred Breitberg. Mai Davis
Also recorded at: T T G . Inc. Hollywood. Calif
Album Design and Art Michael Mendel
Art Direction Sid Mauler
Engineer Angel Balestier
Podiplo features:
John Collins - Rhythm Guitar, Vocals
Dan Lund - Lead Guitar
Karen Lund- Piano and Vocals
Jack Sundrud - Bass and Vocals
Steve Rundquist - Drums
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