Strawberry Alarm Clock - Wake Up Where You Are (2012 Global Recording Artists)
Band: Strawberry Alarm Clock
Album: Wake Up Where You Are
Label: Global Recording Artists
Released: May 4, 2012
Country: Los Angeles, USA
Genre: Classic Rock, Rock, psychedelic
Total Time: 01:18:03
• "Wake Up Where You Are" is the first new album from the Strawberry Alarm Clock in over 40 years. Upon the first listen, the new CD is just like opening a time capsule from the '60s. The Strawberry Alarm Clock once again capture the magic of their original recordings and bring it to life again for us in 2012 .
"Wake Up Where You Are" is perfect blend of reinterpretations of classic songs, new material and even a few choice cover tracks. The album kicks off with an amazing version of the Seeds' "Mr Farmer," from the upcoming Sky Saxon tribute CD.
• If you know anything about LA’s vibrant psychedelic scene in the 1960‘s, than you’ll recognize the band name Strawberry Alarm Clock. Their first single and most popular “Incense and Peppermints” made such a huge impact, airing on numerous radio stations across America and featuring in the motion picture Psych Out, we were certain Strawberry Alarm Clock was going to be equivalent in America as The Yardbirds in England. However, SAC went through several different band members over the years and never released another album for decades, leaving us high and dry.
• In March of 2012, all that changes when SAC put the pieces together with band members Gene Gunnels, Mark Weitz, Randy Seol, George Bunnell, Howie Anderson, and Steve Bartek. Their latest 14 song album “Wake Up Where You Are” takes you back to that long-forgotten, euphoric California. Out of the gates you’ll be in the middle of what started the entire 1960’s psychedelic era. ‘Mr. Farmer’ startles you into an acid-rock frenzy and has you thinking, “I thought these dudes were in their 60’s.” ‘Charlotte’s Remains’ will have you gazing out into the swelling surf with its guitar-swirling, woozily long-winded drone. Although it took SAC over 40 years to release an album, the stellar album is worth the wait. If you caught their performance at this year’s Echoes West Fest in LA, you’ll know Strawberry Alarm Clock hasn’t missed a beat from their hit single back in 1967.
• Tacklist:
01. Mr. Farmer 04:32
02. Strawberries Mean Love 04:51
03. Hummin Happy 03:42
04. Birds in My Tree 03:55
05. World Citizen 04:18
06. Paxton's Back Street Carnival 03:02
07. Drifting Away 05:34
08. Lose to Live 05:09
09. Barefoot In Baltimore 03:20
10. Charlotte's Remains 03:13
11. Sit With the Guru 05:51
12. Tomorrow 03:05
13. Wake Up 07:36
14. Mr. Farmer (Extended Version) 07:40
15. Sit With the Guru (Extended Version) 12:17
Mark Weitz - Vocals, Keyboards
George Bunnell - Bass, Rhythm Guitar, Vocals
Randy Seol - Drums, Percussion
Howie Anderson - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Gene Gunnels - Drums, Percussion, Vocals, Vibraphone
Steve Bartek - Guitar, Flute
George Bunnell - Bass, Rhythm Guitar, Vocals
Randy Seol - Drums, Percussion
Howie Anderson - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Gene Gunnels - Drums, Percussion, Vocals, Vibraphone
Steve Bartek - Guitar, Flute
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