Kingsley Flood - Dust Windows (
2010, CD Baby
) + Colder Still (
EP 2012)
Artist: Kingsley Flood
Album: Dust Windows
Label: CD Baby (distributor)
Catalog No: CDBY 366317
Released April 10, 2010
Country: USA
Genres: Pop-Rock, Country
Total Time: 00:42:37
• Объединившись в 2009 г. в Бостоне в одну команду, музыканты Kingsley Flood с самого начала знали все оттенки музыки в стиле "американа", все её преимущества и недостатки, а в связи с этим предпочитали песни о проблемах обычных людей, песни с проникновенными мелодиями, волнующими души. Есть мнение, что исполняемую ими музыку можно назвать пост-американа. В какой-то степени это верно, потому что они гораздо меньше взяли от Вуди Гатри, чем от Джо Страммера и его последователей.
• Известно, что фронтмен Kingsley Flood Насим Хури как-то решил изменить мир. Для этого он поступил в аспирантуру, стал серьёзно готовиться к карьере в международных отношениях. Но потом, когда ему открылся цинизм столпов бюрократии и политики, он решил, что лучше писать песни, которые отражают все те идеи и сюжеты, которые он намеревался испльзовать в своей работе в офисе. И содержание песен, и их некоторые гармонии, подумал он, могли бы иметь больший резонанс в обществе. Может быть, считает он, играть рок-н-ролл в рок-группе будет самым честным трудом из всего того, чем бы он смог заняться. Музыкальная палитра группы соединяет классическую скрипку, банджо и мандолины с оригинальным звучанием органа и трубы.
• Kingsley Flood's fantastic debut Dust Windows was officially released today days - this is a release to take note of. Dust Windows is a cohesive, consistent album of folk pop gems -- smart songwriting and brilliant execution. Appalachain and country instrumentation pops up throughout - banjo, mandolin, fiddle, pedal steel - and at their heart these are true folk songs. But the songs also reflect a pop immediacy that makes this album incredibly easy to listen to - elements of 60s pop, 80s college rock and modern indie rock round out those folk and country melodies, making this the type of album that will appeal to a broad audience. The nearest songwriting touchstone I can make is Josh Ritter or Being There-era Wilco - but I also hear The Avett Brothers, The Band, Nebraska-era Springsteen, Townes Van Zandt, the list goes on and on. Finally, the album sounds fantastic - nice production, sounds like the band is in your living room. I hope everyone who complains that new bands all sound the same these days or whose record collection stops in 1975 get a chance to hear this album and this band.
• Tracklist:
01. Back in the Back 04:09
02. Cul de Sac 03:32
03. Cathedral Walls 05:03
04. Good Enough 03:26
05. Stoop Cats 03:31
06. Devil’s Arms 02:53
07. A Little Too Old 04:42
08. Roll of the Dice 04:03
09. Eventually 03:20
10. When I Grow Up 04:12
11. Just a Midnight Ride 03:41
All songs written by Naseem Khuri
Nick Balkin - Bass, Vocals
Chris Barrett - Trumpet
Will Davies - Drums, Percussion, Vocals
George Hall - Live guitar
Michael Spaly - Fiddle, Mandolin, Lead guitars, Banjo, Vocals
Naseem Khuri - Vocals, Rhythm guitars, Keys
Recorded by Pete Weiss at Verdant Studio, Athens, VT
Mixed by Pete Weiss, except for “cul de sac”
mixed by Brad Young at Underground Productions
Mastered by Jeff Lipton at Peerless Mastering, Boston, MA
Assistant Mastering Engineer: Maria Rice
Artwork by Adam Miller
Design by Hania Khuri-Trapper

Kingsley Flood - Colder Still (2012 EP CD Baby)
Artist: Kingsley Flood
Album: Colder Still (EP)
Label: CD Baby (distributor)
Produced by Kingsley Flood and Rafi Sofer.
Recorded: Q Division Studios.
Released: January 10, 2012
Country: USA
Genres: Pop-Rock
Total Time: 00:20:17
• Sound might travel fast, but it takes time for a band’s sound to develop. Kingsley Flood has been playing shows with their newer sound for many months, and finally their recordings reflect this stylistic shift, with the release of their new EP Colder Still.
• Kingsley Flood's earlier material evoked dust-moted sunlight, front porches and rolling hills. Since then, they’ve packed up their Americana roots and gone to the big city (in some ways literally -- the EP was recorded in Brooklyn). There’s still a lot of the old soul in the new songs and interesting instrumentation, well-crafted songwriting, a strong personal feel to the performances. Yet, the sound has deepened, richened, and added grit. Namely, there’s more brass, more riffs, more beat. It’s music for a darkened club, for boots on hardwood.
• The songs on Colder Still are an album of grainy black-and-white photographs, stark images where people look out from frozen moments of happiness, but hint at the real struggles underneath. The first track, “I Don’t Wanna Go Home,” (which is already available) watches a man go tearing off in his car, leaving security for a dream he can’t find. “Black Boots” is a militant call, where “uptown’s going to go downtown tonight,” filled with clanging beats (made from banging trash cans) and electric guitar, but broken with a slow and sweet moment in the middle. “Quiet Quiet Ground” hearkens back to earlier influences, with just a touch of cutesy in the duet with Naseem Khuri and violinist Jenee Morgan, with a nice banjo to round it out. “House on the Hill” starts with meditative guitar, then moves on the upwards climb that leaves comfort behind. The song also brings in solid brass playing -- one of the many developments that is augmenting the sound of Kingsley Flood.
- Review by Claire Blaustein
• Tracklist:
1. I Don't Wanna Go Home 03:08
2. Wonderland 02:58
3. Black Boots 02:50
4. Quiet, Quiet Ground 03:19
5. Mannequin Man 03:47
6. House on the Hill 04:13
• Kingsley Flood's earlier material evoked dust-moted sunlight, front porches and rolling hills. Since then, they’ve packed up their Americana roots and gone to the big city (in some ways literally -- the EP was recorded in Brooklyn). There’s still a lot of the old soul in the new songs and interesting instrumentation, well-crafted songwriting, a strong personal feel to the performances. Yet, the sound has deepened, richened, and added grit. Namely, there’s more brass, more riffs, more beat. It’s music for a darkened club, for boots on hardwood.
• The songs on Colder Still are an album of grainy black-and-white photographs, stark images where people look out from frozen moments of happiness, but hint at the real struggles underneath. The first track, “I Don’t Wanna Go Home,” (which is already available) watches a man go tearing off in his car, leaving security for a dream he can’t find. “Black Boots” is a militant call, where “uptown’s going to go downtown tonight,” filled with clanging beats (made from banging trash cans) and electric guitar, but broken with a slow and sweet moment in the middle. “Quiet Quiet Ground” hearkens back to earlier influences, with just a touch of cutesy in the duet with Naseem Khuri and violinist Jenee Morgan, with a nice banjo to round it out. “House on the Hill” starts with meditative guitar, then moves on the upwards climb that leaves comfort behind. The song also brings in solid brass playing -- one of the many developments that is augmenting the sound of Kingsley Flood.
- Review by Claire Blaustein
• Tracklist:
1. I Don't Wanna Go Home 03:08
2. Wonderland 02:58
3. Black Boots 02:50
4. Quiet, Quiet Ground 03:19
5. Mannequin Man 03:47
6. House on the Hill 04:13
Produced by Kingsley Flood and Rafi Sofer.
Recorded and mixed by Rafi Sofer at Q Division Studios (Somerville, MA)
#1: recorded at Rubber Tracks Studios (Brooklyn, NY)
#4: recorded by Lauren Blackard, Matt Dacey,
and Ryan Kraft at BUCDIA’s Studio D (Waltham, MA).
Mastered by Jeff Lipton at Peerless Mastering, Boston, MA
Assistant Mastering Engineer: Maria Rice
Artwork by Frank Germano
Design by Hania Khuri-Trapper
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