Skogie - There's A String Attached To Almost Eveything We Do (1974 General Records)
Artist: Skogie
Album: There's A String Attached To ...
Label: General Records
Catalog#: GRS-2653
Copyright: 1974
Country: Minneapolis, US
Genre: Rock, Pop Rock
Duration: 00:43:58
• SKOGIE прежде были известны как Skogie and the Flaming Pachucos и были в начале 1970-х годов популярной оригинальной рок-группой в Миннеаполисе (США). Документальная история команды спродюсирована WCCO (CBS) и её презентация состоялясь на канале "4-TV", а длинная кавер-история музыкального журналиста Тома Мёрта (Tom Murtha) была опубликована в журнале "Insider Magazine". После работы с Марком Хьюзом (Mark Hughes) из компании "North Country Music" и Ральфом Ортизом (Ralph Ortiz) из компании "Alpha Productions" они заключили контракт по управлению своими делами с Дэвидом Зиммерманом (David Zimmerman), который спродюсировал их первую опубликованную запись "The Butler Did It/I Won't be Pushed Away" (1973 г., издана на "Mill City Records"), которую до сих пор порой можно услышать по радио. Между этой записью и её изданием группа поменяла своё название на Skogie. Затем единственный альбом Skogie был записан на студии "Sound 80 Recording Studio", который был выпущен в 1974 году. В связи с тем, что Рэнди Леви (Randy Levy) из фирмы "Schon Productions" взял в свои руки обеспечение карьеры Skogie в штате Миннесота, вся группа целиком в 1976 г. перебазировалась в Голливуд (Калифорния). Свой успех (запись альбомов и видео) группа продолжила под различными названиями: Kats, The Nu Kats, The Kat Club, Boy.
• Skogie previously known as Skogie and the Flaming Pachucos were a popular original music rock group from Minneapolis in the early 1970s. A documentary story of the band was produced by and presented on WCCO (CBS) 4-TV and a lengthy cover story by music journalist Tom Murtha was published in Insider Magazine. After working with Mark Hughes of North Country Music and Ralph Ortiz of Alpha Productions they signed a management contract with David Zimmerman who then produced their first published record: 'The Butler Did It/I Won't be Pushed Away' (1973 on Mill City Records), which can still be heard occasionally on the radio. Between its recording and its release the group changed its name to 'Skogie'. Skogie then recorded a new album at Sound 80 Recording Studio which was released in 1974. Randy Levy of Schon Productions handled the majority of Skogie's career in Minnesota. The entire band relocated to Hollywood California in 1976. They had continued success (records and videos) under various names: The Kats, The Nu Kats, Boy.
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• Side A:
1. Queen Of Clubs (Moore-Goldstein) 4:59
2. The Ballad Of Righteous Riders (Moore) 3:50
3. You Gotta Work For What You Get (Moore-Brenner) 3:23
4. It Will Work Out For Us (Moore) 4:59
5. Springfield Gardens ( Moore) 2:58
• Side B:
1. You Got Me Sufferin' (Moore) 4:33
2. Old Fred Sings A Song (Moore-Wilfong) 5:11
3. Sunday Drive (Moore) 4:45
4. Goodbye Nemours (Moore) 5:40
• Single:
A. The Butler Did It 02:16
B. I Won't Be Pushed Away 03:02
Produced by Moore, Peterson, Galles and Goldstein
Recorded: December 1973
Engineered by Scott Rivard
Recorded by SOUND 80
Schon Productions, Inc
1. Queen Of Clubs (Moore-Goldstein) 4:59
2. The Ballad Of Righteous Riders (Moore) 3:50
3. You Gotta Work For What You Get (Moore-Brenner) 3:23
4. It Will Work Out For Us (Moore) 4:59
5. Springfield Gardens ( Moore) 2:58
• Side B:
1. You Got Me Sufferin' (Moore) 4:33
2. Old Fred Sings A Song (Moore-Wilfong) 5:11
3. Sunday Drive (Moore) 4:45
4. Goodbye Nemours (Moore) 5:40
• Single:
A. The Butler Did It 02:16
B. I Won't Be Pushed Away 03:02
Produced by Moore, Peterson, Galles and Goldstein
Recorded: December 1973
Engineered by Scott Rivard
Recorded by SOUND 80
Schon Productions, Inc
Rick Moore - Electric Guitar, Vocals
Mark Goldstein - Piano, Synthesizers, Electric Piano, Hammond Organ
Dennis Peterson - Electric Bass, Vocals
Al Galles - Drums, Vocals
Mark Goldstein - Piano, Synthesizers, Electric Piano, Hammond Organ
Dennis Peterson - Electric Bass, Vocals
Al Galles - Drums, Vocals
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