Cole/Taylor - Mercy Road 2008 CD Baby.com/Indys
Artist: Cole/Taylor
Title: Mercy Road
Recorded at Five Feathers Music, the studio
owned by Marvin and his wife Raven.
Label: CD Baby.com/Indys
Catalog#: 202934
Release: 1 July 2008
Country: Georgia, USA
Genres: Alt. Country, Roots Rock
Total Length: 00:45:16
• То ли группа, то ли дуэт Cole/Taylor - это плод сотрудничества двух исполнителей по имени Bryan Cole и Marvin Taylor. Так как эти имена вряд ли что-то говорят широкой музыкальной общественности, то есть резон добавить - Брайан состоял ударником в команде Mose Jones, когда в 1973 г. в тот же коллектив влился Мервин, они сдружились и в течение определённоного времени выступали рука об руку в таких группах, как Out A Hand, Java Monkey, The Lucky Ones, и сейчас в Cole/Taylor, частенько вместе работали в студиях, но вот писать песни совместно начали только в 2006 г.
• Помимо этого Брайан много лет был главным продюсером в компании "Ichiban Records", принимая непосредственное участие в выпуске и раскрутке компакт-дисков в жанрах блюз, джаз, соул, госпел, кантри, блюграсс, а его рэп-проекты даже получили статус золотых и платиновых записей. В числе его подопечных по ведомству Ichiban можно назвать Francine Reed. Другим известным проектом стал состав Java Monkey, где Брайан восседал за своей ударной установкой, а Мервин играл на гитаре, причём они не всегда участвовали в записи её альбомов, но в течение многих лет неизменно входили в её сопровождающую группу во время турне по США, Канаде, Австралии, Европе.
• В 2007 г. Брайан и Мервин решили стать деловыми партнёрами. Их первым совместным проектом стал рождественский компакт-диск исполнителя кантри Mark Scott. Одна из песен с этого диска, "Saints and Angels", авторства Victoria Banks, была выбрана в качестве песни года в стиле кантри штата Джорджия. Так как впереди замаячили другие проекты, один заманчивее другого, Брайан и Мервин решили вначале воплотить в жизнь собственный проект! Плодом совместного творчества стал альбом "Mercy Road", а наши герои, немного подумав, согласились, что ещё никогда не получали такое удовлетворение от проделанной работы.
Весь проект полностью был записан в студии "Five Feathers Music", владельцами которой были Мервин и его жена Raven, за исключением наложения клавишных, на которых сыграл их приятель (а вскоре и участник команды) Bill Kahler. Билл сделал записи материала в своей собственной студии.
• Diane Durrett, соавтор песни "Your Turn Now", первого трека на CD "Mercy Road", добавила свой замечательный нежный вокал на нескольких треках, то же сделали Francine Reed вместе с Вill Kahler. Титульная песня, "Mercy Road", включает подпевки и вокальные аранжировки многолетнего друга и партнёра в сочинении песен Jeff Hilyer, а также перкуссиониста Chuck Bithorn.
• Одна из песен проекта названа "When I Was The One", и её написали Мервин и его жена, Raven. Этот трек на CD на самом деле является демо-версией, включающей вокал покойного Michael Jones. Майкл был добрым малым и беспроигрышным сессионным певцом, которого предпочитали приглашать многие из музыкального сообщества, как в Атланте, так и в Нэшвилле. Возможно, что это была последняя вокальная сессия, записанная с ним перед тем, как он безвременно ушёл из жизни, и Брайан и Мервин решили включить эту запись в CD как трибьют Майклу, тем более, что он скончался как раз в тот день, когда ушёл из студии.
Cole/Taylor is Bryan Cole and Marvin Taylor. Bryan was the drummer in Mose Jones when Marvin joined that band in 1973, and they have played in bands together ever since, including Out A Hand, Java Monkey, The Lucky Ones, and now Cole/Taylor, and have done many years of studio work together, but only started writing songs together in 2006.
• Bryan was one of the top producers for Ichiban Records for many years, and produced hundreds of CDs - Blues, Jazz, Soul, Gospel, Country, Bluegrass, and even won gold and platinum records for Rap projects. One of the artists Bryan produced for Ichiban was Francine Reed. Java Monkey, including Bryan on drums and Marvin on guitar, not only played on all her CDs, but toured extensively for many years as her back up band in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and throughout Europe.
• Bryan and Marvin decided to become production partners in 2007. Their first joint production project was a Christmas CD by Country artist Mark Scott. One of the songs from that CD, "Saints and Angels", written by Victoria Banks, was chosen Georgia Country Music Song Of The Year. While there were other projects being considered, Bryan and Marvin decided to first produce a project on themselves! Mercy Road is the fruit of that labor, and both Bryan and Marvin agree they have never enjoyed anything more.
The entire project was recorded at Five Feathers Music, the studio owned by Marvin and his wife Raven, with the exception of keyboard overdubs done by friend (and soon to be band mate) Bill Kahler, who recorded those at his own studio.
• Diane Durrett, co-writer of the song Your Turn Now, the first song on the Mercy Road CD, added her fabulous breathy vocals on several tracks, as did Francine Reed, along with Bill Kahler. The title song, Mercy Road, features backing vocals and vocal arrangement by long time friend and writing partner Jeff Hilyer, and percussion by Chuck Bithorn.
• One of the songs on the project is called "When I Was The One", and was written by Marvin and his wife, Raven. The track on the CD is actually the demo for the song, and features vocals by the late Michael Jones. Michael was a dear friend and trusted session singer of choice to many in both the Atlanta and Nashville music communities for years. This was probably the last vocal session he recorded before his untimely death, and Bryan and Marvin decided to include it on the CD exactly as it was when he left the studio that day as a tribute to Michael.
• Bryan was one of the top producers for Ichiban Records for many years, and produced hundreds of CDs - Blues, Jazz, Soul, Gospel, Country, Bluegrass, and even won gold and platinum records for Rap projects. One of the artists Bryan produced for Ichiban was Francine Reed. Java Monkey, including Bryan on drums and Marvin on guitar, not only played on all her CDs, but toured extensively for many years as her back up band in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and throughout Europe.
• Bryan and Marvin decided to become production partners in 2007. Their first joint production project was a Christmas CD by Country artist Mark Scott. One of the songs from that CD, "Saints and Angels", written by Victoria Banks, was chosen Georgia Country Music Song Of The Year. While there were other projects being considered, Bryan and Marvin decided to first produce a project on themselves! Mercy Road is the fruit of that labor, and both Bryan and Marvin agree they have never enjoyed anything more.
The entire project was recorded at Five Feathers Music, the studio owned by Marvin and his wife Raven, with the exception of keyboard overdubs done by friend (and soon to be band mate) Bill Kahler, who recorded those at his own studio.
• Diane Durrett, co-writer of the song Your Turn Now, the first song on the Mercy Road CD, added her fabulous breathy vocals on several tracks, as did Francine Reed, along with Bill Kahler. The title song, Mercy Road, features backing vocals and vocal arrangement by long time friend and writing partner Jeff Hilyer, and percussion by Chuck Bithorn.
• One of the songs on the project is called "When I Was The One", and was written by Marvin and his wife, Raven. The track on the CD is actually the demo for the song, and features vocals by the late Michael Jones. Michael was a dear friend and trusted session singer of choice to many in both the Atlanta and Nashville music communities for years. This was probably the last vocal session he recorded before his untimely death, and Bryan and Marvin decided to include it on the CD exactly as it was when he left the studio that day as a tribute to Michael.
• Tracklist:
01. Your Turn Now 03:48
02. Doubtful 05:41
03. Mercy Road 04:49
04. When I Was the One 03:50
05. Running Awayfrom the Past 04:12
06. Forever Changed 04:00
07. Too Much Candy for a Dime 03:38
08. Long Long Night 04:44
09. The Barrio 04:54
10. Ready to Love Again 05:40
01. Your Turn Now 03:48
02. Doubtful 05:41
03. Mercy Road 04:49
04. When I Was the One 03:50
05. Running Awayfrom the Past 04:12
06. Forever Changed 04:00
07. Too Much Candy for a Dime 03:38
08. Long Long Night 04:44
09. The Barrio 04:54
10. Ready to Love Again 05:40
Bryan Cole, Marvin Taylor - Guitar, Vocals
Diane Durrett, Jeff Hilyer - Back Vocals
Michael Jones (rip) - Vocals
Chuck Bithorn - Drums, Percussion
Bill Kahler - Keyboard
Diane Durrett, Jeff Hilyer - Back Vocals
Michael Jones (rip) - Vocals
Chuck Bithorn - Drums, Percussion
Bill Kahler - Keyboard
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