Artist: Zuider Zee
Album: Zuider Zee
Ⓟ 1975 CBS ink., Columbia
Catalog#: PC 33816
Printed in U.S.A.
Genre: Rock, Blues Rock
Total Time: 00:43:31
• Из всех подражателей голосу Пола Маккартни, когда-либо слышимых, которых немало, вокалист группы
"Zuider Lee" Richard Orange явно их всех побеждает. Даже Emitt Rhodes
не звучал так близко.
• Родом из Мемфиса, менеджер и продюсер - Leland Russell (бывший басист sunshine-pop группы GORDIAN KNOT и автор их одной из лучших мелодий "Carraway Stream"), группа ZUIDER LEE, образовавшись в 1970 году, явила миру единственный альбом, состоящий из композиций энергичного поп-пауэра, фанк-рока и нежных баллад в стиле всё того же Маккартни. Массив из приличных гитарных звуков, ярких звуковых эффектов и некоторых, одних из лучших использований синтезатора Moog в поп-записи (послушайте соло в "Magic Fingers") в совокупности делает каждую песню на альбоме интересной и привлекательной. Существует, безусловно, здесь и некое заимствование у других. В целом, звучание альбома можно охарактеризовать как недостающее звено между "Band On The Run" от WINGS и "Deceptive Bends" а-ля 10CC.
• Альбом, после его выпуска получил довольно положительные отзывы критиков, но имел критически плохие продажи, что возможно, связано с тем, что лейбл Columbia решил не выпускать сопутствующий сингл, несмотря на наличие более чем выделяющихся треков на альбоме. Если бы альбом вышел два года спустя, когда влиянение пауэр-попа было в полном разгаре, успех у группы был бы огромным.
• Вскоре после выхода альбома, басист John Bonar получил ножевое ранение, отбиваясь от воров, пытавшихся украсть имущество группы после одного из концертов. Группа распалась вскоре после этого инцидента в декабре 1976 года, но Richard Orange продолжал сочинять песни, хотя уже для других артистов. Его самым большим хитом стала композиция "Hole In My Heart" для Cyndi Lauper в 1988 году. Orange в конце концов выпустил свой дебютный сольный альбом "Big Orange Sun" в 2005 году.7
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According to 'Wikipedia', Zuider Lee is a land locked inlet on the north coast of The Netherlands. An unusual moniker for a band originally formed in Louisiana and based out of Memphis, Tennessee; a city that gave us Elvis and some of the best Barbeque east of the Mississippi. Zuider Zee formed in 1969 and primarily was a vehicle for singer songwriter Richard Orange - an artist we covered here a while back and his superb 'Big Orange Sun' CD. Zuider Zee didn't get much promotion from CBS and scattered support slots with totally incompatible groups like Caravan and The Tubes didn't help their cause. Adding insult to injury, bassist John Bonar was nearly stabbed to death during a break-in on the group's tour van which sealed the fate of this criminally overlooked band.
• The Songs
Richard Orange is not only a dead-ringer for Paul McCartney vocally, but knew the Wings catalog like the back of his hand. 'Listen To the Words' could have been lifted off a 'Red Rose Speedway' demo and the same goes for 'Rubber Men'. Of course, this kind of music always sets this reviewer off in a tizzy and I'm trying hard to be objective, but it's time to break out the drool cup after playing the epic ballad 'The Last Song Of It's Kind' for the umpteenth time, orchestrated as if Sir George Martin had popped in the studio to help out a bit. Oh yeah, I'd be amiss if I didn't mention a 10cc influence on cuts like 'Zeebra', 'Thank You' and 'Magic Fingers'. We can also name check Badfinger here and there, but Orange and band are clever enough to add their own flavor to these very British influences and while the shadow of Macca hovers over Zuider Zee, this is far from a clone band.
• In Summary
I'd love to have Zuider Lee on CD at some point and the Richard Orange web site has a link to Sony, or someone at the company to push such an endeavor. I won't hold my breath since I have more confidence in the Japanese getting to it due to their voracious appetite and track record for American pop reissues. Hope springs eternal.
♪ Tracks:
01. Listen To The Words 3:29
02. Rubber Man 2:55
03. The Last Song Of Its Kind 3:47
04. Zebra 5:18
05. Youre Not Thinking 3:06
06. Haunter Of The Darkness 3:49
07. She Swing 2:40
08. Thank You 3:23
09. The Breaks 2:53
10. Magic Fingers 4:45
11. All That Is 7:34
• The Songs
Richard Orange is not only a dead-ringer for Paul McCartney vocally, but knew the Wings catalog like the back of his hand. 'Listen To the Words' could have been lifted off a 'Red Rose Speedway' demo and the same goes for 'Rubber Men'. Of course, this kind of music always sets this reviewer off in a tizzy and I'm trying hard to be objective, but it's time to break out the drool cup after playing the epic ballad 'The Last Song Of It's Kind' for the umpteenth time, orchestrated as if Sir George Martin had popped in the studio to help out a bit. Oh yeah, I'd be amiss if I didn't mention a 10cc influence on cuts like 'Zeebra', 'Thank You' and 'Magic Fingers'. We can also name check Badfinger here and there, but Orange and band are clever enough to add their own flavor to these very British influences and while the shadow of Macca hovers over Zuider Zee, this is far from a clone band.
• In Summary
I'd love to have Zuider Lee on CD at some point and the Richard Orange web site has a link to Sony, or someone at the company to push such an endeavor. I won't hold my breath since I have more confidence in the Japanese getting to it due to their voracious appetite and track record for American pop reissues. Hope springs eternal.
01. Listen To The Words 3:29
02. Rubber Man 2:55
03. The Last Song Of Its Kind 3:47
04. Zebra 5:18
05. Youre Not Thinking 3:06
06. Haunter Of The Darkness 3:49
07. She Swing 2:40
08. Thank You 3:23
09. The Breaks 2:53
10. Magic Fingers 4:45
11. All That Is 7:34
Line Up:
Richard Orange - guitar, lead vocals
John Bonar - bass, backing vocals
Robert Hall - drums, backing vocals, 1974-76
Kim Foreman - keyboards, backing vocals
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